
Maria Gorinova · December 11, 2019

I’m Maria, a Machine Learning Researcher at Twitter.

I completed a PhD as part of the Data Science CDT at the University of Edinburgh, supervised by Andy Gordon and Charles Sutton. My research looked at how program-analysis techniques can be applied to existing PPLs in order to improve usability of the language or efficiency of inference. During my PhD, I worked on these topics in relation to the probabilistic programming languages Stan and Edward2.

Previously, I was a Research Assistant (Predoc) in the Graphics and Interaction Group at the University of Cambridge. My work there was focused on improving the way in which data in the healthcare sector is manipulated and analysed, by bringing the power of programming by example to spreadsheets. Earlier, I received my BA from University of Cambridge (June 2015), where for my final year project I developed an IDE for Probabilistic Programming.

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